Short introduction & tutorial of this personal project that took 3 years to complete.

Asmodeus - Prince of Lust
Like a vulture swooping from a mountain peak, he saw her from afar. With the gaze of a predatory bird he struck and caught his prey in his arms.  With his gigantic claws and steely grip, he dragged her into his secluded nest just beneath the cloudy mountain top.
"But now what? She fainted, she resents me? But I only wanted to charm her, not frighten her!" he squealed in frustration.
After waiting a few minutes beside her fragile body, Asmodeus grew bored with her unexciting appearance, kicked her a few times just for the sake of disappointment, and then flew off to find another unsuspecting victim. She would have to find her own way down from the mountain...
Belphegor - Prince of Vanity

More than anything, he dreamt of perfection.. every day and every night. If it wasn't his plan, he would make it his plan, despite the cost. He would transform the whole world into his liking. That way he would get to choose all the right people for the right places and he would get all the right things at the right time. But all that seeking perfection needs so many eyes and ears to see and hear.. so many hands, so little time.
So after all the big schemes, the Prince of Sloth just rolled over and lit another cigarrette, fixed his perfect hair and sighed:
"Oh well.. Perfection sucks the life out of me!"
Then he proceeded to have his 8 hour beauty sleep, since being productive wasn't part of his perfect plan.
Leviathan - Prince of Envy

They were born from the same mother, but had always seen each other as enemies.. it was hard to explain and witness that kind of rivalry; combined aspects of sadism, repression, and psychological warfare as Leviathan was an endless maze of enigma, but so it had always been. 
They were like two sides of the globe, each an Ocean, full of treachery, endless abyss and sharpest teeth. They could never find peace, only one had to be the RULER OF THE SEA.
An envious mind is like an endless well of seawater, it poisons the one who mistakes it for nourishment. Those who fall into the grip of Leviathan and mistakes him for a friend, shall perish as quickly like a gust of wind.
Lucifer - Prince of Pride
This pain is mine. Only mine. Nobody can understand what kind of sacrifices I have to go through to simply bear this burden of existence, this bane of exceptionality and excellence!
I hate for being born, but I cannot extinguish this flame.. this resentment.. this agony of not becoming who I deserve to be. Why is she smiling so gladly? Why is that child laughing? I want them to suffer like I have suffered!
Nobody deserves happiness more than me. Only I am worthy.
I do not wish to 'get better', I do not need your 'help'. I have a greater purpose than all of you. I must make everyone understand what real pain means. Even if it means my own destruction. They shall all remember me as their Truest Prince and my name shall never be forgotten.
No drop of blood shall be spilled in vain, if You swear to me your eternal allegiance.
Mammon - Prince of Greed
His thone was golden...his veins shined like liquid gold.. his smile lit the entire room into tiny golden candles. He could see people like that: As tiny burning lights beneath his enormous feet. 
"So fast and so furiously people burn, and then they are gone, and I get to gather them all around me. Just to light them up again. Tiny lights of ambition, hanging upon the sphere of Hope and Gain. Nothing to do but to worship me!"
Mammon rubs his huge golden belly and whispers to his parasitic financial advisor: 'Could we make this mass of candles like a wildfire? wouldn't that be a grand sight? The biggest fire in the world!' 
'Only if they pay upfront, my lord, only then it would be a sight to see.'

Satan - Prince of Wrath

Only He could take a stroll on a mine field. Others said 'wait, it's dangerous, you will die!'

But Satan always did the opposite than what was told. He simply walked into the flames of Hell and showed nobody his pain. He would prove them all wrong, that only He could stand all the hatred and death what the human world had to offer and He would relish in all of their worst experiences. He would make their hatred as Divine as the commandments of Heaven.

Beelzebub - Prince of Gluttony
Who decided what is fowl and what is fair?
When I was created, nobody explained me any rules of Life.
Can't I toy with living things, make them go mad just a little bit, so I can feel better? No?
Then the Hell with you and your 'fairness'. Fowl creatures are loyal to my ways. Their lack of honour is my abundant salvation. While I thrive in boundless ugliness, may you toil with blood, sweat and tears for a kinder and beautiful way of life.
I lied, just messing with you, please pass me the gravy so we can continue our Business As Usual.

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