Grimleaf of Mirkwood
Something always had felt different with the Eastern Wood Elves.. the way they talked with all kinds of foxes and beasts, how their eyes glowed differently in the night, and what they turned into... And once their true nature was revealed, the elves all decided to close their heavy hearts and simply call them The Children of the Oni.

"Then take it"
After years of struggle, the countless days of confusion and bewilderment, she finally brought forward the one thing that had kept her sane during all that time. She feared this would be the last straw. If she can't take this one thing with her, then she would be forever lost in these ethereal woods. All alone.
But the Master Oni smiled, and blessed her modest plant with a secret ingredient: "If you want it so, then take it.. all this was the result of a thousand year old dream. May we all preserve a tiny piece of it".
And now she was free to walk through the Gate.. to grow a brand new dream.

Fox Bushido
Maybe as the last of her kind, she knew how hopeless the situation was.. her companion also knew. But it had to be done. Food was food, even if it's a tiny monster. She would feed it to the fox and they must continue towards the mountains. So many bodies still unburied, she thought. The fox pleaded her not to let the rage take over, not now when they were both weak. The last of humankind cleaned her hands of Oni's blood and shed her final tear. The journey ahead would be impossible to survive.