Album Cover Arts & Special Effect Makeup art

20 years of digital painting experience & fantastic visions

New Service package:
From now on, I'm offering illustration & designer skills and services not only limited to making album art/leaflet content, but also into design areas such as making individual artist profile images, avatars, banner art for social media sites and other promotional material for online/marketing use.

With a single fee, I can make an album art into a harmonious package that can be used as one promotional source for multiple purposes without any copyright issues. I offer this as a service to my clients.

Album Cover Art
Since 2006 I've had the pleasure making album art and you find most of them here, all the way to February 2025.
You also find one T-shirt design.

Battlelore (Finnish)
- Against the Darkened Sky -

- jacket cover art -

Visit Battlelore's Official

^ my personal favourite from their album is 'True Dragons'

Teräsbetoni - Missä Miehet Ratsastaa
- T-shirt design as promotion for Eurovision song contest song performed by Finnish metal band Teräsbetoni - 
commissioned by JT-Music Oy / Joy Factory , 2008

Instant Social Life (Finnish)
- Album Cover Art, banner art & artist image art -

Their full album is to be released in spring 2025.
Artist image used as avatars and in social media profiles
Banner/header image used in artist profile such as Spotify.

Screams of Babylon - Screams of Babylon
- Album Cover Art -

Faith Factor - Prayer Warrior
- Album Cover Art & LP cover art -
2007 & 2023
LP/vinyl was released in 2023. (photo)

Sacred Blood - Argonautica
- Album Cover Art & Leaflet design -

Tomorrow's Outlook – 34613
- Album Cover art -
(album released in 2012)

Make-up art special effects in music videos
I've made special effect makeups for 2 music videos. One was for Irish post-rock band God Is An Astronaut, called 'Reverse World', that's on their 'Origins' album, released in 2013. Another video was for Finnish metal band Raaka-Aine called 'Kuolematon' ('Immortal' in English), which was released in 2015. You find both videos in this gallery. Both videos are filmed in Finland, directed by Kari Salonen (not related).

I've not practised make-up art much since these two projects, they were very physically draining having spent countless hours on set without breaks (or sleep). But I am extremely proud having been a key part of those projects and been the creator of special effects such as burnt skin and fake flesh & frozen hands. Both effects seen near the ending parts of the videos below.
God is an Astronaut - Reverse World (2013)
Raaka-Aine - Kuolematon (2015)

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